To effectively manage your web server, you need to get feedback about the activity and performance of the server and any problems that may be occurring.
The WWW log module provides tools that enabling you to collect and manage your WWW server Logs via web-interface.
Your web-server logs all requests to each WWW domain. Using this log you may learn the statistic information concerning access to a certain WWW domain. For this purpose you may use such programs as Webalizer и Awstats.
Provide a default program to analyse web-site logs. Later you can choose another analyser or disable it for any of the WWW domain in the "Logs rotation" section.
Log information
- Name - name of the log record.
- Size - size of the data transferred.
- Modification time - time when the record was modified.
- Saved - the amount of saved data.
- Total size - the total size of the saved data.