Domain names

A Domain name is a unique set of symbols (letters of the Latin alphabet, digits, hyphen and dot) that allows to associate a web-resource with the IP-address where it is located.

The Domain names module allows you to use a wide range of features for domain names (DNS) management. You may add, edit and delete domains, manage the records of the specified domain zone and external name servers information.

Domain names. Technical details (ISPmanager).Creating a domain

A separate zone file is created for each newly created domain. The file name corresponds to that of a newly created domain. The directory where domain zone files are stored is specified as "DomainZonesPath" in the control panel's configuration file. The corresponding values provided in the Default domain settings are used for name servers, mail servers and domain aliases. Domain aliases correspond to the IP-address that was provided when creating a domain name.

The following record is added into the named.conf file:
zone "domain_name" { type master; file "zone_file"; };

The path to the file is specified in "config named.conf" of the control panel's configuration file. Where:
"domain_name" is the name of a newly created domain.

Zone_file is a full path to the file that contains domain information.

If you wish to provide additional information in the domain zone file you can use Configuration file templates.

If a domain is bound to a user, this user is considered its owner.

"Bind" is a group to which the domain zone file is assigned. Please note, this group needs to have record privileges.

The DNS server must re-read the configuration files to apply the changes.
rndc reload

Prior to using domain names, you must add at least one user. To do that, go to the Users module or follow the link located on the information message on the top of the toolbar.


Adding a new domainAdd new domain

To add a new domain name, click the "New" button and fill out the form.

Module«Domain names»

  • Domain name - enter the name of the domain that you want to add. You can only use lower case Latin alphabet letters, digits and the characters - and .'
  • IP address - enter the IP-address that will be assigned to this domain. Normally this is the IP-address of the server.
  • Name servers - enter the name(s) of the name servers that will handle the DNS records for this domain. All names in this field should meet the requirements to domain names. If you enter a full domain name it must be followed by the dot (such as If it is a record in the existent domain, the dot is not required (ns1 ns2).
  • Mail servers - enter the name(s) of the mail servers that will handle the e-mail for this domain. All names in this field should meet the requirements to domain names. A full domain name must be followed by the dot (such as If it is a record in the existent domain, the dot is not required (mail1 mail2).
  • Owner - select the user name, who will be able to manage the domain zone. If you choose root, the field will not be available on the user level. (for Server administrators and Resellers)
  • Create WWW domain - check the box if you wish to create a WWW domain for users to access it from their browsers. You cannot create the WWW domain from the administrator's account, or if you select "root" as the owner.
  • Add e-mail domain - check the box if you wish to add an e-mail domain for this domain.



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